global outreach

At Church of the Saviour, we believe in not only serving our community but serving our world. Our focus is to mobilize the church to obey Jesus’ last command to make disciples of all nations. We desire for God to receive the worship that He deserves and want to see people from every nation worshiping Jesus. Learn more about our beliefs here.

ESL/Conversational english classes

We offer Conversational English classes for 10 sessions on Saturday mornings in the Fall and Spring semesters. To find out more about ESL or to invite someone to attend register below. To volunteer to assist fill out our Volunteer Application.

Refugee Care

COS members are committed to reciprocal friendships and holistic discipleship with the refugee population in our surrounding area. If you are interested in helping be a resource and serving as the hands and feet of Jesus in this way, please contact our Missions Leadership Team at

International Student Ministry

We serve the practical needs of international students in the university campuses in our local area and connect them to the various ministries of the church. Our yearly International Students day event mobilizes the whole church to bless students from around the globe with great fellowship and donated household items and furniture. Throughout the year members host and connect with students in various ways. For more information contact

Short-term missions

We have a rich legacy of teams visiting and serving various fields around the world. We are working on developing two to three yearly strategic short term missions trips which provide members the experience and opportunity and also tangibly help advance God's worldwide mission. If you are interested in short-term missions contact

Global Partners

Dave & Mercedes Small: are the founders of Spanish with a Vision, which seeks “to share the Gospel with domestic housemaids across the Dominican Republic through educational and evangelistic activities.” They serve as President and Vice President of the organization.
Steve & Nancy Rodeman: serve in Spain teaching and mentoring through various media which reach hundreds of homes. Nancy leads the musical outreach Coro Gospel de Madrid and teaches gospel music at a secular school. 
Jeff Whitebread: serves as State Minister with Capitol Commission Pennsylvania, with the goal to intentionally develop disciples and disciplers of Jesus Christ in the political arena through group and personal bible study, prayer initiatives, and various forms of service.
Geoff & Jillian Wright: Jillian grew up at COS and felt called to serve in Montreal through a COS Youth Short-Term missions trip. Geoff began thinking similarly about serving in Quebec a year before, and 10 years later, they are church planters and leadership developers in the highly diverse Montreal metro area.
Sharon M: supports, cares for, and coaches missionaries strategically laboring where the worship of Christ does not yet take place. Please pray for her in her crucial role, as she is often the only lifeline for people serving in isolation and deep spiritual darkness.
Bill & Kristie Campbell: are originally from Philadelphia and have been missionaries based in Paris, France since early 2011. They pray and labor to see a great move of God in Europe and continue to lead their church plant, Liberté, which is focused on discipleship multiplication in the Greater Paris Region.
Christina Armstrong: serves as a Special Education teacher in the Balkans sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ through training families, teachers, and professionals who care for and work with children with disabilities.
Deb Michaud: trains workers in conflict resolution, peer counseling, and provides care to Crossworld's international staff.
Elisabeth Berger: Elisabeth Berger serves as the VP of Community Life at Crossworld, leading the training, orientation, and preparation for new missionaries "bringing God’s love to life in the world’s least-reached marketplaces".
Ted & Dana Witmer: are teachers at Shalom University of Bunia in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ted in Old Testament and Dana in Medicine. They also lead the university’s office of development to help meet the needs of a rapidly growing university and of its teaching hospital. 
Addison & Emily Frank: serve with Cru in Philadelphia: Addison leads the Philadelphia Cru team while Emily serves as a graphic designer for Cru's in-house creative team, Creative 1 Media. Together they desire to see gospel truth brough to the lives of students in Philadelphia and beyond!
Dave Moles: works with Cru in The Coaching Center to help launch and build new ministries on high school and college campuses where no gospel centered witness for Christ yet exists.
Dave & Karen Ness: Dave and Karen serve with Faculty Commons, a ministry of Cru, as ambassadors of Jesus to faculty, staff and graduate students of secular university campuses, nationally and internationally.
Todd & Sue Corl: Todd helps international students at Penn, Drexel, and Temple discover who Jesus is and how to follow Him. Sue provides conferences and discipleship training for women from impoverished and unreached nations to know the truth of who God is and who they are in Christ.
Joey & Emily Cogliano: work at Ethnos 360 Bible Institute, training missionaries to work where there is no church nor any work being done to establish a church.  
Steve & Arlene Richardson: Steve is the President of Pioneers, with 3,100 global members speaking 100+ languages and working among 500+ unreached people groups and arenas, and a bold vision to see 250 more unreached people groups engaged with the gospel by 2024.
Keith & Ethel Swartley: lead Encountering the World of Islam, teaching Christians to lovingly engage Muslims and introduce them to the Jesus of the Bible.
Lisa Catton: serves as an Area Representative with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes on the campuses of Eastern University and Conestoga High School with the goal to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
Mades & Sopheary: are making disciples among university students in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Mades trains pastors and leaders across denominations. On top of that, Mades is pastoring a local church. Sopheary is doing counseling, mentoring and coaching with university students and young professionals.
Fran and Sue: work with Frontier Ventures, formerly the U.S. Center for World Mission. Fran is the Legal Manager for the mission and Sue is the Chief Strategy officer.
Michael Oh: Dr Michael Young-Suk Oh is global executive director/CEO of the Lausanne Movement, which connects influencers and ideas for global mission. He also serves as chairman of the board of directors for CBI and chancellor of Christ Bible Seminary.
Tom & Lisa Horn: serve with the Navigators in a shepherding role for staff living in eight Asia/Pacific countries.  Through onsite visits and regular communication they seek to help workers thrive in their personal life and ministry.
Frank & Linda: serve with individuals and teams who work among the least reached, often in closed countries. Frank coaches, mentors, and empowers national leaders who are using a media to movements approach in church planting, and Linda offers pastoral counseling, transition coaching and debriefing at critical times of need in these workers’ lives.
Tricia Towle: works in Albania as an audiologist and patient advocate. She helps those in need receive low-cost hearing aids and state-sponsored cochlear implants. She also helps parents develop their deaf child's speech and language post-implantation.
Mark and Anne Bradley: are Crossworld missionaries serving in Haiti to improve the quality of education in Haiti’s Christian schools. Through training and discipleship, the Bradley's seek to strengthen Christian leadership and make Christ the center of every classroom.
Lynn Newhouse: served cross-culturally for many years in Africa and Asia. Today, she provides Spiritual Formation training to cross-cultural missionaries, helping them stay strong and grow in their own spiritual lives so that the love of God overflows into the lives of those they serve. 
Wilma Findlay: serves with Outreach Canada - MORE Network, a Canada-wide Network collaborating with 35+ mission organizations to support Global Partners & Third Culture Kids in transition. Wilma is a member care advisor facilitating access to in-person re-entry programs for singles, couples, and families when they return to Canada. She also coordinates the resources for the MORE Network multi-media online library.